Helpful reading

Fineprint | 16 Jul 2024

Providing for your family in your will

We all want to look after our families – both during our lives and after we die. One way you can make sure that your family is looked after when you die is by leaving behind a clear, well-drafted will.

Fineprint | 19 Dec 2023

Business choices when in financial difficulty

When your business is facing financial strife, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. We recommend you contact us for guidance to support you through the process.

Fineprint | 14 Dec 2023

Generative AI and copyright

Many businesses have been using artificial intelligence (AI) for a long time to gather insights into their data and make strategic decisions... As a certain spider once said: With great power comes great responsibility. 

Fineprint | 11 Dec 2023

Changes ahead for retirement

You, or someone you know, may be considering a move into a retirement village. It is a big decision, involving lifestyle choices as well as a significant financial commitment. 

Fineprint | 08 Dec 2023

Children and separation

The time following a separation can be highly emotional – for you and your spouse or partner, and for your children.

Fineprint | 16 Aug 2023

Land covenants

If you are buying a property in a newly or recently built residential subdivision, the odds are that the title will come with various covenants registered against it. These covenants are likely to place restrictions on the ways in which the owners can use and enjoy their properties. 

Fineprint | 21 Apr 2023

Minimum wage increased on 1 April

The adult minimum wage increased to $22.70/hour on 1 April 2023. 

The government says it will review the minimum wage rate later this year.

Fineprint | 21 Apr 2023

Keeping employees during the 'big quit'

Since 2021 and the lessening of the effects of the Covid pandemic, many countries have experienced an increase in staff turnover and lost productivity. This is informally referred to as ‘the great resignation’, ‘the big quit’, ‘brain drain’ and ‘quiet quitting’.

Fineprint | 21 Apr 2023

Bank of children

Most of us have heard of the expression ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’ where parents help fund their children to get onto the property ladder or with another investment. What happens in the reverse situation, however, where children become the ‘bank’ and assist their parents financially?

Fineprint | 19 Jan 2023

Shared parenting

Deciding to move to a new location can be exciting and bring a sense of renewal, particularly after a long cold winter and enduring these Covid years. However, if you are separated with children, what happens to ongoing parenting arrangements in these situations?

Fineprint | 13 Dec 2022

Insta # dismissal?

Whether we like it or not, social media affects almost every aspect of our daily lives, including employment relationships. How can employees’ ‘private’ social media posts bring an employer’s business into disrepute and lead to an employee’s dismissal? 

Fineprint | 07 Dec 2022


The Sustainable Business Council ‘Better Futures 2022’ report surveyed New Zealanders & identified that more than 43% of Kiwis are committed to living a sustainable lifestyle. Given the public’s motivation to be more sustainable, businesses are honing their marketing strategies towards environmental sustainability.

Fineprint | 09 Aug 2022

New Incorporated Societies Act 2022

The new Incorporated Societies Act 2022 received Royal Assent on 5 April 2022 replacing the very old Incorporated Societies Act 1908.

Fineprint | 29 Jul 2022

Love, heartbreak and... death?

Many people who have endured a relationship break up know it can be exhausting. What is often overlooked as one of the first steps, and yet so imperative, is updating your will and enduring powers of attorney (EPA) to reflect your new relationship status. 

Fineprint | 26 Nov 2021

Defining a de facto relationship

You may have heard that ‘Marriage is betting someone half your stuff that you’ll love them forever’. But what happens about the ‘stuff’ you own before you formally say “I do”?  The law providing equal sharing of relationship property automatically begins after three years in a de facto relationship.

Fineprint | 30 Jun 2020


Smoking in motor vehicles with children now banned

Triangular’ employment legislation in force

Looking after your mental health during COVID

Fineprint | 30 Jun 2020

Privacy in an ever-evolving digital age

The Privacy Act has now been passed and will become law on 1 December 2020. It will repeal and replace the current Privacy Act 1993, and will update the law to reflect the continually-evolving needs of the digital age.

Fineprint | 30 Jun 2020

Charities in New Zealand

Charities play an important role in our society to help the disadvantaged, support specific causes or to advance knowledge.

Fineprint | 30 Jun 2020

Our new normal post-COVID

As I write this editorial, the COVID-19 pandemic has had, and continues to have, a long-lasting effect on New Zealand and the rest of the world. Everyone has been affected in some way – to a greater or lesser degree.

Fineprint | 30 Jun 2020

Emission control

One of the most significant pieces of new legislation introduced last year was the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act 2019, more commonly referred to as the ‘Zero Carbon Act’.

Fineprint | 27 Nov 2019

Fineprint Postscript

Changes ahead in relationship property laws / Proposed reform for incorporated societies legislation ...>

Fineprint | 27 Nov 2019

Rural fires

The rural fires of last summer are a reminder of the risk of fire to our communities. The cause of the blaze in the Nelson region, one of New Zealand’s largest plantation fires, was attributed to a spark caused when farm equipment hit a stone. ...>

Fineprint | 27 Nov 2019

Trusts Act 2019

The Trusts Act 2019 will come into effect on 30 January 2021. Much of the Act updates or restates existing law.  However, there are a number of changes about which trustees and people with trusts should be aware. ...>

Fineprint | 27 Nov 2019

Enjoy our waterways - but think water safety!

We are truly blessed to live in the Land of the Long White Cloud. This beautiful country of ours is, however, also the land of water. Wherever you are, you are never far from water. ...>

Fineprint | 27 Nov 2019

Smooth sailing this summer

With summer fast approaching, many businesses will be hiring temporary staff to meet their needs over the busy summer months. Taking on temporary staff can throw up some tricky issues. ...>

Fineprint | 01 Aug 2019

The importance of good recordkeeping

There are plenty of war stories about recordkeeping blunders. Think of offices crammed with paper, ‘lost’ documents, fireplace filing systems and online voids.

Fineprint | 01 Aug 2019

The executor of your will

Having an executor of your will is like having a manager of your affairs (your estate) after your death. Your executor is named in your will; it is his or her role to carry out the terms of your will.

Fineprint | 01 Aug 2019

Components of effective governance

The damage from governance failure can be profound, and can attract significant unwelcome media and public scrutiny. Focusing on the learnings from these cases is how we can get some real benefit and continuous improvement in corporate governance.

Fineprint | 01 Aug 2019

Emissions Trading Scheme

New Zealand’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) was established by the Climate Change Response Act 2002. The ETS was created as the vehicle for New Zealand to meet its obligations for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under the Kyoto Protocol.

Fineprint | 01 Aug 2019

Fineprint: Postscript

Companies Office helping amalgamation customers ‘get it right first time’, Tax Working Group – capital gains tax scrubbed, Claiming legitimate business expenses

Simpson Western | 08 May 2019

Family Violence Leave

From 1 April 2019, employees who are affected by family violence may request 10 days of paid leave each year, and a short-term variation of their working arrangements for up to two months at a time.

Simpson Western | 06 May 2019

Employment Law Changes from 6 May

As of 6 May 2019, several changes to New Zealand employment law have come into effect.

Fineprint | 11 Apr 2019

Property (Relationships) Act 1976 changes

The law governing the division of property when a relationship ends is, after more than 40 years, set to change following the Law Commission’s comprehensive review...

Fineprint | 11 Apr 2019

Wiping the slate clean

The Clean Slate Act or clean slate scheme, became law almost 15 years ago. The rationale behind the legislation was to enable people who had certain convictions to put their past behind them...

Fineprint | 11 Apr 2019

Capital gains tax

The much-anticipated final report of the Tax Working Group (TWG) was released on 21 February and, unsurprisingly, recommended the introduction of a broad-based, realised capital gains tax (CGT) regime.

Fineprint | 11 Apr 2019

Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman

The Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman office (IFSO) was established in 1995 to help consumers who were in dispute with their insurers or financial services providers.

Fineprint | 29 Nov 2018

Retirement village life

New Zealand’s ageing population has created a boom for retirement villages, with record numbers being developed. For many looking to retire or slow down, retirement village living is attractive – and it’s not hard to see why. 

Fineprint | 02 Jul 2018

AML now in force

From 1 July 2018 all law firms must comply with the requirements of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009...

Fineprint | 02 Jul 2018

What if your parents die broke?

What happens when your parents die broke? Can you inherit their debt?

Fineprint | 02 Jul 2018

Questions you shouldn’t ask

Job interviews can be a challenge for both employers and applicants.  We look at what you can and cannot ask...

Fineprint | 02 Jul 2018

How old do you have to be?

As lawyers, we’re often asked the legal age for a variety of things such as agreeing to medical treatment, making a will and so on...

Fineprint | 03 Apr 2018

Regulating stock movements

The Ministry of Primary Industries is working hard with farmers to control and eradicate Mycoplasma bovis, by regulating stock movements.  Here's what you need to know.

Fineprint | 03 Apr 2018

What is a 'social enterprise'?

A trending term in the business world over the last year is ‘social enterprise’.   What is a social enterprise, and why does it matter?

Fineprint | 03 Apr 2018

Food Act 2014

All food businesses must register with MPI, under the Food Act 2014.  Check the dates for registration here.

Fineprint | 03 Apr 2018

Economic disparity at the end of a relationship

A large number of relationships still follow the ‘traditional’ practice of having one party act as the ‘homemaker’, while the other acts as the ‘breadwinner’- so what happens if the relationship breaks up?

Fineprint | 22 Nov 2017

Stay safe this summer

With the Christmas holidays coming up, we want to remind you about keeping safe this summer – on the roads and in the pool, and to reinforce the message about not serving alcohol to people who are not yet 18 years old...>

Fineprint | 22 Nov 2017

Blended families: Wills and Trusts

Making sure everyone you care about gets a fair share of your property after you die is an issue most of us grapple with. This may also have additional complications when you have a blended family.  It’s not always as easy as just writing your Will and specifying who gets what... >

Fineprint | 22 Nov 2017

Privacy in the workplace

In a world where technology is becoming more prevalent, it’s easy to feel that privacy rights are a thing of the past.  Privacy breaches are becoming increasingly common given developments in technology and social media...

Your Savvy Lawyer | 26 Jul 2017

Contract and Commercial Law Act

With the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 coming into force on 1 September 2017, you should review your standard form business contracts to ensure they will be up-to-date. >

Fineprint | 26 Jul 2017

Help for first home buyers

It’s every Kiwi’s dream to own their own quarter-acre share of paradise, but it’s becoming harder than ever before.  How can you help? >

JESS SHAW | 26 Jul 2017

Relationship property: the Clayton case

The implications of the Clayton case a year on - has it really exposed trusts in relationship property situations? >

Fineprint | 26 Jul 2017

Enduring powers of attorney sort out

Having an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) is as vital as making sure you have a Will. Whether you’re 18 or 80 years old, you never know when you may need to have a responsible person to make decisions on your behalf. >

Fineprint | 26 Jul 2017

Up in the air: using your drone

The use of drones is no longer limited to government agencies, technical gurus or the super wealthy. These high-tech pieces of equipment are, however, bound by Civil Aviation Rules. In this article, we explore what rules there are around their use. >

FINEPRINT | 05 May 2017

Our news / autumn

Congratulations to Jamie Barr, who became our newest partner on 1 April. Jamie specialises in business law and has particular expertise in business structuring and shareholder arrangements... >

FINEPRINT | 04 May 2017

Disputes Tribunal DIY

If you have a claim of up to $15,000 – the Disputes Tribunal provides a simple, cost-effective way of dealing with civil disputes. We outline below the basics of what you need to know to make a claim. >

FINEPRINT | 03 May 2017

Buying off the plans

If you live in one of New Zealand’s cities, it’s likely that you’ve noticed a multitude of brand-new apartments, terraces, and town houses popping up in your area. >


FINEPRINT | 02 May 2017

Rural fires

Every year the New Zealand Fire Service and National Rural Fire Authority battle fires all over New Zealand, which begs the question – Who pays for this? >

FINEPRINT | 01 May 2017

Public photography

A young Kiwi woman had her photograph circulated around the globe after a journalist photographed her antics at the races. How private is private when taking photos in a public place? >

FINEPRINT | 20 Dec 2016

Our news / summer

Knowing your credit score; and New pool fencing law comes into force on 1 January 2017. >

FINEPRINT | 18 Dec 2016

Children and holiday care disputes

In 2014, the law governing parenting disputes between separated parents was amended. Find out how this new regime applies to ‘semi-urgent’ cases dealing with parenting disputes around Christmas holiday care arrangements... >