COVID-19 Update from Simpson Western

COVID-19 Update from Simpson Western

Dear Clients

The COVID-19 situation continues to develop quickly in New Zealand, and as many of you already know, we are in unprecedented times. We would like to update you on the actions Simpson Western are taking to ensure our clients are able to continue accessing our legal services as well as being consistent with the Ministry of Health Guidelines.

Keeping our staff and clients safe

We ask all visitors to Simpson Western offices to kindly respect the guidelines issued by the New Zealand Ministry of Health. If you have returned (or have been in contact with someone) from overseas within last 14 days, and/or you are unwell, we ask that you do not enter our premises, and please phone us to make alternative arrangements.
Where possible, we may seek to use technology such as Skype for video meetings, rather than meeting in person if this is viable for you. With that said, if you do have a meeting organised with one of our staff, please don't be offended if we don't shake your hands, we are following the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health on "Prevention: how to protect yourself and others".
For further information visit The Ministry of Health website: While we introduce these measures we are also keen to minimise disruption and continue our work for you during this period as normal as far as possible.
Our business continuity plan

We are in preparation for changes to the New Zealand Government's policy regarding COVID-19. As a result, we have taken precautionary steps to reduce and mitigate disruption with our clients which includes:

Despite the disruptions, the Partners and staff at Simpson Western hope you all keep well, and take care of yourself and your family during these unprecedented times. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of our legal advisors. You will be able to find our contact details on our website