Our news / summer

Knowing your credit score

When you’re applying for a mortgage, wanting a loan for a car, to rent a flat or you’re applying for a credit card there’s one item that will rank in your favour – having a good credit history. But how do you know how you score for creditworthiness?

A new website was launched a few months ago that helps you calculate your credit score. Your score is designed to help indicate to lenders the statistical likelihood of you failing to meet regular payments such as a loan.

The website won’t give a credit rating; that’s different from a credit score. A credit rating is more complex as lenders need to know a great deal more about your income, assets and so on.

Owned by Dun & Bradstreet, Creditsimple will give you a starter to help you assess your creditworthiness. It also gives you tips and financial advice tools – all for free.

To know more, go to www.creditsimple.co.nz   

New pool fencing law comes into force on 1 January 2017

In late October the government passed a number of changes that will affect swimming pool fencing. The new measures are contained in the Building (Pools) Amendment Bill. The new laws take effect from 1 January 2017.

The main changes are: